Yes, people are bored. Many are running out – not only of toilet paper but of things to do. Home may not seem so sweet anymore. But I have been shocked at those protesting the stay-at-home orders claiming their rights have been violated. Seriously?
The one image that stands out is of the woman leaning out her car window with a “Land of the Free” sign in a standoff with a health care worker in full scrubs and mask. Is she really battling with someone already on the front lines? It doesn’t make sense to me. If this woman or her family member got sick, would she expect a health care worker to help her? Of course she would even though her ignoring the orders could contribute to the spread of it. She, along with the other protestors, are not only fighting the government but all of those fighting the spread of the virus – especially to those most vulnerable like my 91-year-old mother.
While there are stories of protestors all over the news this week, there are many more silent heroes who are contributing to our safety. Despite having cerebral palsy, my new friend Tammy has made over 800 masks in the last few weeks. Her goal is to make 1500 masks for anyone who needs one – and she won’t take a dime for them! Instead she is “paying it forward” by collecting monetary and food donations for a nonprofit called House of Hope, whose goal is to empower local residents to overcome hunger and hardship.
So thank you, Tammy, and everyone out there who is using this time to help someone in need. Instead of protesting, why don’t we follow Tammy’s lead and do something to help? Why not serve a meal to a homeless person, distribute groceries at a food bank, volunteer to run errands for an elderly shut-in, or send a thank-you note to someone on the front lines – like that man in the standoff with the protestor who is putting his own life in danger every day to save others.
Let's use this gift of time, not to protest, but to pay it forward.

A sample of Tammy's handmade masks – 800 and counting! To support Tammy's efforts to "Pay it Forward," please make a donation via this link: House of Hope