It happened unexpectedly. Without a word, he dashed upstairs leaving his grandma puzzled at the kitchen table. A few minutes later Noah reemerged with a few crumpled bills in hand – $3 to be exact. He wanted to help and found the answer in the bank on his desk.
Compassion spurred Noah into action during a conversation with his grandmother about Toto and dogs like him that are homeless. As they watched our Mutt Strut fundraising video together, Noah’s mind began to stir as he saw Toto’s photo before his adoption where he looked malnourished, dirty, and sad. They discussed how the Indianapolis Humane Society takes care of orphaned pets like Toto – how they feed, clean, provide medical care, and help them find new homes. When the video ended, Noah took off. When he reappeared and handed over his donation he said, “This is for the people who help the dogs.”
During the last few weeks, I have felt the overwhelming love and support of friends with hearts like Noah’s who joined us to raise money and awareness for Indy Humane’s Mutt Strut. Many showed up at our book signing, some bought a book, others made a donation or shared our story with a friend. Each played a role and all were equally important in helping orphaned pets find their forever homes.
Looking back, I am especially grateful for Noah and his contribution. This generous 9-year-old boy reminded me that everyone has something to give – no amount is too small when it comes from the heart.
And Noah's $3? It actually took us over the $5,000 threshold. And, as an added bonus, Toto was named Top Dog for being the highest fundraiser.
Thank you, Noah, for showing us that even the smallest act of kindness and generosity can make a big impact.
Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins. And he said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.” (Luke 21:1-4 ESV)
Thank you for supporting Toto and his friends to help other orphans in need of a home.